To See or Not to See: Discovery in Mediation

To See or Not to See: Discovery in Mediation

In divorce mediation, there are some things that must never be cloaked in mystery or veiled by the fog of uncertainty. Certain matters require absolute transparency, established by a comprehensive, honest sharing of data. In litigation, this is called Discovery.

In mediation, full disclosure of all relevant facts is also required. Although mediation affords a more relaxed procedure, this should not be confused with relaxed standards. In litigation, information is divulged using mechanisms including interrogatories; notices to produce [documentation]; exchange of Case Information Statements (NJ) or Statements of Net Worth (NY); answers to interrogatories; depositions; and subpoenas, if needed.

In mediation, the cooperation of the parties enables a more affordable, efficient process. It is a friendly discovery process, where clients and mediator together pour over numbers, work through budgets, draw shared conclusions and examine possibilities.

All information must be vetted in divorce. Mediation is not a shelter for those seeking to hide assets or other financial facts. Information will be uncovered — this is a foregone conclusion. The choice is how and at what cost.

For one thing, how can an agreement hold if it’s based upon an incomplete sharing of relevant facts? If insufficient data is shared, both parties are disadvantaged. Why? Because the agreement is vulnerable to future dispute and litigation. If the agreement is later found to be faulty, the finality and protection it provided can be degraded.

Conversely, an agreement entered into by two fully informed parties, both well acquainted with the facts upon which they are relying, has a greater chance of being adhered to overtime.

Disclosing does not equate to distributing. Certain assets are exempt from the marital estate. Acknowledging these assets upfront can actually help protect them. Sharing information helps create an environment of good faith, from which a fair agreement grows.

In addition, sometimes even separate property has to be considered in order to establish an accurate picture of the parties’ circumstances.

For example, let’s take the Millers. The Wife earns $100,000 per year, the Husband earns $30,000. If we look no further, we might automatically start calculating alimony. But, what if this tidbit enters the frame: the Husband owns an inherited (i.e. non-marital) commercial property valued at $500 million. This is an important detail! Whether or not the property earns income, its existence could indicate he has a potential for liquidating assets or benefiting from a future income stream — facts that are integral to drawing a whole and accurate financial picture. There can be no equitable distribution or fair agreement without all the facts.

Common reasons why people are reluctant to reveal:

Uncommon reasons people are encouraged to disclose:

Transparency and trust are a big ask for couples engaged in divorce. The lack of one or the other often contributes to the reason the couple is seeking a divorce in the first place. When the future mandates further financial cooperation, discovery can provide a valuable opportunity for parties to recalibrate their roles with the finances, and potentially heal from some of the fissures that occurred during the marriage. The process can chart a new way forward.

You don’t have to trust the other person. You can trust the mediation process.