2024 – 2025 Bargaining Reopener

Please see the SEIU 1991 staffing ratios proposal for Nurses and COLA proposals for Nurses, Professionals, and Attending Physicians.

2023-2026 Contract

Your contract has been ratified! All three contracts have been approved by our members, the Public Health Trust and the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners. Click the following links to view the full contract:

It happened! After 12 hours of bargaining on Monday, June 5th, we reached contract agreements for both the RNs and PROS.

These two agreements represent the largest economic gains and positive contract changes in the history of SEIU Local 1991.

Highlights of the two landmark contract settlements include:


-Additional 1% market adjustment upon ratification.

-Another 4.2% increase on October 1st.


– Add step 17 to the top; Step 1 – 10 become annual; Step 11 – 15 become 2 years.

-4.2% step increase. Additional step at top.

-$5/hr. differential to all hours paid. (counts toward OT pay and is pensionable.) (PA NEURO)

* -$10/hr. differential to all hours paid. (counts toward OT pay and is pensionable.) (PA CT)

– Step 4 becomes step 1. (Equal to a 12.6% increase.)

– All 3-year steps change to 2-year steps: (CSN/ ANM/ NE/ Med Techs/ Clinical Resource Nurse/ Hospital Flow Coordinator/ Pedi Transport/ CL System Coordinator.)

– Longevity steps L1 and L2 – Reduced to 3 years instead of 4 years. (Affects all job classes.) Time served counts.


5% annual premium increase for Select and POS.

*All ED deductibles increased to $200 on all plans. (Jackson First, Select, and POS.)

*All Rx co-pay increased by $10 on all plans. (Jackson First, Select, and POS.)

*Healthcare ($5,850/ year), Dental ($400/year), PL (8%) and Life Insurance ($550)


* = Updated on 6/9/23

This victory could not have been achieved without the unity and strength of our membership. Thank you to the entire bargaining team and to our members. Unity pays!

2020-2023 Contract

During ratification, all three contracts are submitted for approval by our members, the Public Health Trust and the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners. Click the following links to view the full contract.

2017-2020 Contract

Your contract has been ratified! All three contracts have been approved by our members, the Public Health Trust and the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners. Click the following links to view the full contract.

These are strong contracts that include pay raises for everyone, no increases to Jackson First and very affordable premiums for the other insurance plans during the life of the agreement and a variety of contract enhancements. The financial gains are noteworthy especially when you consider the county is offering no Cost of Living Adjustment or (COLA). Despite this challenge, your Bargaining Team was able to secure pay increases in one of three ways: market adjustments that range from 3% to double digits for certain job classes, added steps at the top for other job classes or a 2% adjustment to base for all other job classes that do not receive either a market adjustment or steps at top. There is a make up step for 291 employees who missed two steps during the recession, were hired prior to 2010 and have remained in the same job classification. Staff Nurse per diem rates will jump up to $37/$40 per hour which will be paid retroactively to October 1, 2106. We also won time and half for professional per diems who work holidays—same as RNs. Charge pay will increase to $2.50 per hour and a new premium pay of $5 per hour for times of emergent nurse staffing as determined by management will be implemented upon ratification. These are just a few of the reasons why this contract will benefit you and your family. For more information, check out the summary below or read the full contract on our website.

Financial Victories

Higher pay, as usual, ranked as a top issue among members who completed the survey. The Bargaining Team made this issue a priority and found creative ways to put more money in everyone’s pocket.

Here’s a list of the financial gains we won!

Insurance and Wellness

You’ll still have several high quality and affordable health insurance plans. No changes for Jackson First. , but skyrocketing healthcare costs prompted the need for nominal increases for some plans. However the Bargaining Team was able to keep the premium increases low and extend the HMO High/Standard option for another year. A new Wellness Program will reward you for adopting healthy habits.

Contract Enhancements

Everyone got something in this contract, including part-time and per diem workers who will benefit from new conversion language. There are other enhancements that will help protect members and give professionals more release time.

PL and Extended Illness

We were able to fight back against Management’s push for extensive changes to vacation and pl practices. As a result, there will be only a few changes.

Corrective Action Process

2014-2017 Contract

In late 2014, three-year contracts for nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals were negotiated , signed and approved. The ground-breaking contracts – hammered out over several months – ended a wage freeze that began in 2010 and established a unique partnership between employees and management to continue providing quality healthcare delivery across the system.

Contract highlights include:

· A labor-management partnership giving the union a seat at the table in decisions about how to most effectively deliver high quality health care at Jackson

· Continuation of a previous agreement not to outsource emergency department services at Jackson Memorial Hospital and protecting the ER jobs of physicians, physician assistants, and advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) throughout the system

· Mandated nurse-to-patient staffing ratios to ensure the highest quality patient experience

· Establishment of a “Jackson First” health plan option that will make coverage more affordable for employees with families, while also encouraging employees to use Jackson services and facilities

· Creation of a new salary step schedule and an immediate 2 percent one-time payment to employees – together, these create a compensation plan to help attract and retain world-class caregivers while still protecting Jackson’s long-term sustainability and growth plans.

Thanks to members of our bargaining team for all of their hard work to ensure that we secured a contract that was best for our membership! New contract booklets will be available soon.