Surrogacy in Canada: Cost, Rules & Process

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Fertility problems and infertility are likely more common than you might think, but many couples choose to keep their fertility issues private, so you may not realize that someone you know is having difficulty conceiving.

In Canada, it is estimated that between 11.5% and 15.7% (roughly 1 in 6) couples experience fertility problems, which is double what the rate was in the 1980s.

If you find yourself in this situation and you’ve tried making lifestyle changes and other fertility treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), the next option you may wan to consider is enlisting the help of a surrogate mother to help you have a child. This option is more complex as there are strict laws surrounding surrogacy, but it is estimated that more than 400 arrangements are made in Canada every year.


What is surrogacy?

Surrogacy is an arrangement where a woman bears a child for another individual or couple, and agrees that they will become the child’s parents after it is born. There are 7 types of surrogacy arrangements.

Types of surrogacy

Surrogacy TypeBio MotherBio FatherWhen is it used?
TraditionalSurrogate motherIntended fatherWhen the intended mother is unable, or if there is no intended mother.
Traditional + Donor SpermSurrogate motherSperm donorWhen the intended father is unable, or if there is no intended father.
GestationalIntended motherIntended fatherWhen the intended mother is unable to get pregnant or doing so would cause harm to her or the fetus.
Gestational + Donor SpermIntended motherSperm donorWhen the intended father is unable, or if there is no intended father.
Gestational + Donor EggEgg donorIntended fatherWhen the intended mother is unable, or if there is no intended mother.
Gestational + Donor Sperm & EggEgg donorSperm donorWhen the intended parents are unable to provide sperm, egg, or embryo.
Gestational + Donor EmbryoEgg donorSperm donorWhen others undergoing IVF have embryos left over, which they donate to others.

Traditional surrogate

Also referred to as a “straight surrogate” or “classic surrogate”, the traditional surrogate donates her own egg which is fertilized in vivo via artificial insemination with the intended father’s sperm, or sperm from a donor, and carries the baby to term. Since it is the surrogate mother’s egg that is used, she is the biological mother of the child.

Gestational surrogate

More common than traditional surrogacy, both the egg and the sperm come from either the intended mother and father, or from donors. Pregnancy is achieved through IVF and the surrogate mother has no biological relationship with the child.

Gestational surrogates may be used when the intended mother is unable to become pregnant or carry a baby to term or doing so may cause harm to to her or the fetus due to hysterectomy, diabetes, cancer, etc., the intended mother/father is unable to provide sperm, egg or embryo and/or there is no intended mother or father, as is the case with individuals or same-sex couples.

How much does surrogacy cost in Canada?

A couple that does not need donor eggs should expect to spend between $60,000 and $80,000 by the time the arrangement is completed. If donor eggs are needed, the costs range from $70,000 to $100,000. The costs involved with surrogacy are high, and can often be prohibitive for many couples.

Gestational surrogacy cost

The cost of gestational surrogacy in Canada ranges from $35,000 to $85,000 and consists of the following fees:

Psychological evaluation & implication counselling$0 to $1,000
Legal fees$5,000 to $8,000
Medical evaluation$0 to $1,000
Life insurance policy$300 to $500
Surrogate mother’s expenses – pre-pregnancy$1,500 to $3,000
Surrogate mother’s expenses – pregnancy & post-partum$18,000 to $25,000
(possible) C-section$0 to $3,000
(possible) Multiple birth$0 to $3,000
(possible) Bedrest (1 to 20 weeks)$0 to $10,000
Fertility treatment cycle (IVF, IUI, etc.)$10,000 to $20,000
DNA Diagnostics$500
Consultant/agency fee$5,000 to $20,000 Typical: $8,500

What is included

Legal fees: Including independent legal advice for both parties, and the creation of a legal contract (surrogacy contracts aren’t recognized in Quebec, and can be in somewhat of a grey zone in other provinces)

Surrogate mother’s expenses:

Should the surrogate require more than one IVF treatment, this could drive up the costs of the arrangement significantly.

Traditional surrogacy cost

The cost of traditional surrogacy in Canada ranges from $25,000 to $80,000 and consists of almost all of the same fees as gestational surrogacy apply (see table above). The biggest difference is that cost of the fertility treatment ranges from $0 to $20,000 and depends on insemination method used (home insemination, IUI, IVF). Traditional surrogacy is not as common and currently represents less than 2% of surrogacy arrangements in Canada.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) cost

The total cost of IUI with a partner’s provided sperm is $600 to $1050, while using a donor’s pre-washed sperm costs $1,000 to $1,500.

Donor sperm$700 to $1000 per unit
Handling of pre-washed donor sperm$100 to $300 per unit
Sperm washing (separating individual sperms from the semen)$500 to $850
Insemination procedure$200

In Ontario, there is no limit on the number of cycles of artificial insemination (including IUI) that can be covered by the government as long as you have a valid health card. However, this does not cover additional fees incurred such as the storage fee for cryopreserved eggs or embryos ($500) or specialized procedures such as PESA and TESE.

In vitro fertilization cost

The average cost of IVF treatment in Canada is $10,000 to $15,000 per cycle, but the addition of fertility drugs, genetic testing and donor eggs cost can sharply increase the the cost to over $20,000.

Single cycle$8500 to $9,000
Natural cycle$7,500
IVF + ICSI Cycle$10,000 to $11,000
Conversion from IUI$7,500
Known egg donor or gestational carrier$12,100
Frozen embryo transfer (FET)$2,000 to $2,500
Fertilization and embryo transfer (frozen eggs)$8,000
Frozen donor eggs from the US$2200 USD to $4000 USD per egg
(possible) Medications$3,000 to $7,000
Annual storage$400 to $500

In Ontario, individuals with a medical reason can have one treatment cycle of fertility preservation (freezing sperm or egg samples to be used later) covered.

Cost to collect, freeze and store embryos and sperm (fertility preservation)

PESA sperm retrieval (fluid is pulled up with a needle)$700
TESE sperm retrieval (surgical testicular sperm extraction)$2,350 to $3,000
microTESE sperm retrieval$3,500 to $5,500
Embryo freezing (includes 1st year of storage)$1,000
Egg freezing (non-medical) (includes monitoring, stimulation, egg retrieval, 1st year of storage)$7,600 to $9,000
Sperm freezing (includes 1st year of storage)$700 to $800
Annual embryo or sperm storage$400 to $500

Other costs

ICSI (single sperm is injected into an egg)$2,000
ICSI with surgically retrieved sperm (SRS)$2,500
Computer assisted semen analysis (CASA)$65 to $150
Kruger semen analysis$300
Embryo biopsy for PGD/PGS$1,800
PGS/PGT-A (pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy)$600/embryo, $2,000
PGD/PGT-M (pre-implantation genetic testing for mutation)TBD
Vasectomy reversal surgery$8,000
Tubal ligation reversal surgery$6,000
Sonohysterogram (SHG)$450

The above costs are based on prices listed by Ottawa Fertility Centre in Ottawa, ON, Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine in Vancouver, BC and Olive Fertility Centre in Vancouver, BC.

Surrogacy alternatives if you are having fertility problems

If you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving, there are many ways a doctor can help you. Before offering any treatment, they will most likely work with you to address any lifestyle factors that may be hindering your chances of becoming pregnant.

If making lifestyle changes (such as improving your diet, losing excess weight, etc.) doesn’t help, it may be time to look at fertility treatments, as well as alternative ways to have a child.

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is usually the first option taken to increase the chance of pregnancy. A doctor inserts sperm directly into a woman’s cervix (Intracervical Insemination), uterus (Intrauterine Insemination or fallopian tubes.

This makes the trip shorter if there is a low sperm count, the sperm are not strong swimmers and bypasses obstructions such as irregular reproductive organs or endometriosis. or using an egg donor, which will allow an infertile woman to carry a child and give birth.

In Vitro Fertilization

One of the more common infertility treatments is IVF. This procedure involves combining eggs and sperm outside the body in a laboratory. Once one or more embryos form, they are placed inside the uterus.

IVF is a complicated and expensive procedure. In Canada, the average cost of IVF treatment is $10,000 to $15,000 per cycle, the medications add around $5,000 and genetic testing (to see if the embryo is likely to be successful) can add another $5,000 to $10,000. There are currently four provinces that offer financial assistance to residents undergoing fertility treatment, including Ontario, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Quebec.

In the past five years there has been a more than 30 percent increase in the number of IVF cycles initiated in Canada and 36 clinics initiated 33,092 cycles in 2017. In Ontario, 1% to 2% of live births are the result of infertility treatments.

Who should consider surrogacy?

If you are an individual or couple who has not able to become pregnant through other means such as IVF or artificial insemination, surrogacy may be an option for you. You also might also want to consider surrogacy if you are unable to adopt a child because of your age or your marital status.

If you are a woman who has a medical condition that makes pregnancy impossible or risky for you such as endometriosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a hysterectomy, opting to use a surrogate might be your best choice.

Surrogacy is also a potential option for same-sex couples who could either use the surrogate’s egg, as with traditional surrogacy, or a donor egg, as with gestational surrogacy.

Parents who are considering surrogacy should be:

It is also important that the parents or parent have a general understanding of the surrogacy process, and are willing to follow the necessary protocols, including criminal background checks, psychological and medical examinations, and consultations with a lawyer.

How to find a surrogate?

Once you have determined that you want to use surrogacy to help you have a child, the next step is finding a surrogate mother. Since it is illegal to pay for, or advertise to pay for a surrogate mother in Canada, finding one can be time-consuming and difficult.

In the majority of cases, the surrogate mother may be a friend or relative of the couple who volunteers to carry the child, or she may be unknown to the couple and is introduced through a third party. There are surrogacy consulting companies that assist couples with finding a surrogate, including Surrogacy in Canada Online and Proud Fertility.

Intended parents should be aware that the law states that no one shall advertise the payment of, offer to pay, pay or accept consideration for the arrangement of services of a surrogate mother.

A surrogate mother legally must be over the age of 21. The ideal candidate should:

She should also be willing to undergo any necessary medical procedures, such as: