Maharashtra Tenancy And Agricultural Act, 1948: A Comprehensive Study

-After India gained independence, government policy was influenced by the colonial experience, which Indian leaders saw as largely exploitative. Therefore, post-independence domestic policy tended towards protectionism.


-Kul Kayda Act, which is also known as the Maharashtra Tenancy and Agricultural Act, 1948 was implemented to protect the rights of the tenant and to reform existing agricultural land law. Under section-43 of this Act any land acquired by a tenant shall not be entitled to sell, transfer the said land without the prior approval of the Collector.


-Before we discuss the provisions of this act it is important to understand the socio-economic conditions which led to implementation of this act.

Subsequent Amendments to this act

-Due to increasing industrialization and modernization, safeguards such as requiring collectors' prior approval in order to transfer tenant lands are now viewed as impediments, as this is a time-consuming and bureaucratic process. Because of this section 43 of this act was amended by the Maharashtra Government, with effect from February 7, 2014. The amended provision provided that if 10 years or more have elapsed since the land was transferred to the tenant, the collector's permission is no longer required to transfer the land, if the following conditions are fulfilled-


-Thus, Maharashtra Tenancy and Agricultural Act 1948 was introduced by the government to provide much needed relief to the farmers who were made tenants of their own land which they cultivated due to the exploitative policies of the British Colonial Government. Through the provisions of this act the state government was able to implement much needed reforms in the use of agricultural land.

Key Takeaways


Kul Kayda Act, which is also known as the Maharashtra Tenancy and Agricultural Act, 1948 was implemented to protect the rights of the tenant and to reform existing agricultural land law. Under section-43 of this Act any land acquired by a tenant shall not be entitled to sell, transfer the said land without the prior approval of the Collector.

In India, the problem of tenancy arises when the landowner or zamindar lets out the land to other person, who then becomes the tenant on terms defined by contract or by custom. The was that the zamindar or the owner of the land did not cultivate the land themselves, hence, the problem of tenancy gained importance. In this system the tenants were at the mercy of the landlords who were characterized by illicit extractions and eviction of tenants without any reason. There were several laws implemented in India after independence as there was a desperate need for land reforms.


Before we discuss the provisions of this act it is important to understand the socio-economic conditions which led to implementation of this act. During the British rule, the government had introduced various land revenue systems such as The Zamindari system, Raiyatwari system and Mahalwari system which were introduced in order to maximize the collection of land revenue. In doing so, certain intermediaries such as the ‘zamindars’ were given powers to collect land revenue from farmers.

However, due to factors beyond farmers' control eg, floods, irregular rainfall and droughts, they were often unable to pay the required land revenue. With no reprieve available to the farmers, they were forced to mortgage their lands at exorbitant rates in order to pay land revenues and subsequently failed to redeem the mortgaged lands. The landowners in turn let farmers continue to work these lands in return for either the produce they cultivated or money. Over time, the exploitative revenue policies led to a few accumulating significant wealth and land, while the farmers were reduced to mere tenants.

The abolition of most intermediary tenures brought the whole of India under a uniform tenurial system (albeit with some local variation) within the first decade after Independence. However, the efforts to abolish the interest of the intermediaries did not extinguish tenancy.

Laws provided virtually no protection or even legal recognition of the most vulnerable tenants, including sharecroppers and the tenants working on ex-intermediaries’ home farms. The situation was begging for legislative intervention.

  1. granted rights to the otherwise impoverished farmers;
  2. incentivised farmers to use the land fully and efficiently; and
  3. reduced neglect of the land due to disputes with landowners or lack of interest.

Under this section several restrictions were imposed on the transfer of land in order to:

  1. prevent tenants from taking undue advantage and selling the land for profit, as landlords were forced to sell their lands to tenants at concessional rates under the act, with the intention that tenants would use the land to earn a living; and
  2. safeguard tenants' interests and prevent any third party from taking undue advantage of them in order to purchase the lands at a discounted rate.

Therefore, Section 43prescribed the circumstances under which collectors would authorize a sale which was typically subjected to continued agricultural activities.

Subsequent Amendments to this act

  1. a fee equivalent to 40 times the land's revenue is paid to the government;
  2. the purchaser is an agriculturist;
  3. the purchaser does not hold land in excess of the cap set out in the Maharashtra Agricultural Lands (Ceilings on Holdings) Act 1961; and
  4. the Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consolidation of Holdings Act 1947 is not violated.

Several amendments were made to Section 63-1A which are discussed below-

a) Such sale/transfer will require prior permission of the Collector;

b) The period of 10-years from the date of original purchase will also apply to the second transferee;

c) If the land is to be sold for bona fide industrial use, the transferor will deposit with the Collector, transfer charges @ 25% of the land market value;

d) If the land is to be sold for any non-agricultural purpose other than the bona fide industrial use (consistent with extant development plans), the transferor will have to deposit conversion charges equal to 50% of the land market value with the Collector. If such land is Occupant Class – II, a further amount equal to 48% of the original purchase price will also be deposited in lieu of nazarana.


Thus, Maharashtra Tenancy and Agricultural Act 1948 was introduced by the government to provide much needed relief to the farmers who were made tenants of their own land which they cultivated due to the exploitative policies of the British Colonial Government. Through the provisions of this act the state government was able to implement much needed reforms in the use of agricultural land.

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