Maine medical practice act

Unless licensed by the board, an individual may not practice medicine or surgery or a branch of medicine or surgery or claim to be legally licensed to practice medicine or surgery or a branch of medicine or surgery within the State by diagnosing, relieving in any degree or curing, or professing or attempting to diagnose, relieve or cure a human disease, ailment, defect or complaint, whether physical or mental, or of physical and mental origin, by attendance or by advice, or by prescribing or furnishing a drug, medicine, appliance, manipulation, method or a therapeutic agent whatsoever or in any other manner unless otherwise provided by statutes of this State. An individual licensed under chapter 36 may prefix the title "Doctor" or the letters "Dr." to that individual's name, as provided in section 2581, or a chiropractor licensed by this State may prefix the title "Doctor" or the letters "Dr." to that individual's name when accompanied by the word "Chiropractor," or a dentist duly licensed by this State may prefix the title "Doctor" or the letters "Dr." to that individual's name or a naturopathic doctor licensed by this State may prefix the title "Doctor" or the letters "Dr." to that individual's name when accompanied by the word "Naturopathy" or the words "Naturopathic Medicine" or an optometrist duly licensed under the laws of this State may prefix the title "Doctor" or the letters "Dr." to that individual's name when accompanied by the word "Optometrist" or a podiatrist licensed under the laws of this State may prefix the title "Doctor" or the letters "Dr." to that individual's name when accompanied by the word "Podiatrist" or "Chiropodist." [PL 1995, c. 671, §11 (AMD).]

Whoever, not being duly licensed by the board, practices medicine or surgery or a branch of medicine or surgery, or purports to practice medicine or surgery or a branch of medicine or surgery in a way cited in this section, or who uses the title "Doctor" or the letters "Dr." or the letters "M.D." in connection with that individual's name, contrary to this section, commits a Class E crime. Nothing contained in this section prevents an individual who has received the doctor's degree from a reputable college or university, other than the degree of "Doctor of Medicine" from prefixing the letters "Dr." to that individual's name, if that individual is not engaged, and does not engage, in the practice of medicine or surgery or the treatment of a disease or human ailment. Nothing contained in this section prevents an individual who has received the degree "Doctor of Medicine" from a reputable college or university but who is not engaged in the practice of medicine or surgery or the treatment of a disease or human ailment, from prefixing the letters "Dr." or appending the letters "M.D." to that individual's name, as long as that individual's license to practice has never been revoked by the board. Nothing in this chapter may be construed as to affect or prevent the practice of the religious tenets of a church in the ministration to the sick or suffering by mental or spiritual means. [PL 2015, c. 270, §1 (AMD).]

All fees set in this chapter are nonrefundable application fees or administrative processing fees payable to the board at the time of application or at the time board action is requested. Unless otherwise specified, the board shall set the fees. [PL 1991, c. 425, §12 (NEW).]


PL 1971, c. 591, §1 (NEW). PL 1973, c. 788, §161 (AMD). PL 1991, c. 425, §12 (AMD). PL 1991, c. 797, §17 (AMD). PL 1993, c. 600, §A204 (AMD). PL 1995, c. 671, §11 (AMD). PL 2015, c. 270, §1 (AMD).