A business is a trade, lawful activity or profession, carried on for profit by an individual or by two or more persons, (whether natural persons or legal persons i.e., companies or corporations or a combination of the two).
A business name is the name or style under which any business is carried on, either as an Individual/Sole Trader or as a Partnership/Firm. It is the business name which is required to be registered by law, not the business.
To register a business name, you are required to:
To register your business name, you must complete the following steps:
To create your CRA you will need to:
Create your CRA
For assistance with creating your CRA, you may email the CROS Help Desk at croshelpdesk@gov.tt
You should carefully decide on an appropriate name for your business. That name must not be the same as or similar to, an existing business name, corporation name, or trademark. Other restrictions To ensure that the name is available you must have the name approved and reserved.
You may wish to conduct a preliminary search using the CROS Search Facility before submitting your application. This will give you an idea of whether the name is already in use, before you apply to reserve the name. You are strongly advised not to use the proposed name in advance of receipt of your certificate of registration.
To have your name reserved, you must electronically submit an Application for Name Approval/Name Reservation to ensure the availability and suitability of the name. To submit your application:
(You may upload supporting documents to your application, if needed)
Processing time: three (3) working days
Once processed, you will receive confirmation, by email, of the Registrar’s decision. The Registrar may:
Once the name is approved and reserved, you must complete the Business Name Registration within forty-five (45) days i.e., before the name reservation expires.
To have your business name registered, you must electronically file an Application for Registration by an Individual. To file your application:
Register your business
To register your business name, you must complete the following steps:
Every partner to the business name must have a CRA. To create a CRA, you will need to:
Create your CRA
For assistance with creating your CRA, you may email the CROS Help Desk at croshelpdesk@gov.tt
You should carefully decide on an appropriate name for your business. That name must not be the same as or similar to, an existing business name, corporation name, or trademark. Other restrictions To ensure that the name is available you must have the name approved and reserved.
You may wish to conduct a preliminary search using the CROS Search Facility before submitting your application. This will give you an idea of whether the name is already in use, before you apply to reserve the name. You are strongly advised not to use the proposed name in advance of receipt of your certificate of registration.
To have your name reserved, you must electronically submit an Application for Name Approval/Name Reservation to ensure the availability and suitability of the name. To submit your application:
Processing time: three (3) working days
Once processed, you will receive confirmation, by email, of the Registrar’s decision. The Registrar may:
Once the name is approved and reserved, you must complete the Business Name Registration within forty-five (45) days i.e., before the name reservation expires.
The other partner(s) must approve their inclusion on the registration application.
Once the other partner(s), as above, have granted their approval(s), they must provide you with their surname and Account PIN/ company name and Company PIN, respectively, to complete your business name registration.
To have your business name registered, you must electronically file an Application for Registration by a Firm. To file your application:
Once the payment is processed, you will receive confirmation, by email, that the Business Name was successfully received. Your copy of the completed Application for Registration by an Individual will also be included for download. To collect your certificate: