National Orientation Agency

National Orientation Agency

The National Orientation Agency (NOA) was created with the special and unique mandate to create and increase knowledgeability; provide credible and timely feedback and response; change attitudes, values, and behaviors positively; adequately, and accurately inform and adequately motivate the citizens of the country to act and behave in a way that will sponsor or promote peace, tranquility, harmony and Nationally development in the country in order to create a Nigeria that is orderly, disciplined and responsible and the citizens in the country show forth vital values of hard/smart work, honesty, and patriotism; and the ideals ad principles are held up high and finally, where social peace and harmony reign.

In pursuant to the Decree 100 of 1993, the primary objective of the commission is to make sure that the programs of the government, as well as policies, are understood better by the general public as well as the following:

1. Mobilizing public opinions that are favorable for such policies and programs.

2. Encouraging informal education using activities that sponsor the enlightenment of the public.

3. Create channels of feedback to the government in all parts of Nigerian National Life.

4. Established right national structures that would help in educating, giving orientation as well as the indoctrination of Nigerians towards attitudes, culture, and values that will show forth that pride of the nation and a positive image of the nation.

5. Wake up the consciousness of Nigerians to the reality of their duties as well as promote the unity of the nation, commitment of citizens to their basic human rights to building a society that is progressive, just, and free.

6. Among Nigerians of all ages and sex, develop the cultural and social values and awareness that will indoctrinate the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, self-reliance, and self-discipline.

7. Foster the encouragement of the citizens to freely and actively engage in talks and decisions on issues that affect their general well-being.

8. Promotion of new sets of culture and attitudes that will aid the reaching of the objectives and goals of a United Nigerian State.

9. Uphold and make certain exemplary leadership.

10. Create an avenue in which the constituted authorities would be respected.

11. Inculcate in the citizens a sense of loyalty to the land of their fathers.

Functions of National Orientation Agency (NOA)

Functions of National Orientation Agency (NOA) in accordance with the Act are as follows:

1. Showing more light to the general public on issues relating to government policies, activities, and programs.

2. Mobilization of public opinions that are favorable and supportive of Government policies, activities, and programs.

3. Collect, collate analyze, and also provide good and adequate feedback to the Government from the public on its activities, policies abs programs.

4. Propagation and promotion of the spirit of honesty, the dignity of labor, and commitment to qualitative and standard production, promotion, and consumption of commodities and services that are produced domestically (at home).

5. Inform and educate the general populace on power, how it is used, and the adequate role of the government in serving the general interest of Nigerians.

6. Proclaim the need to shun all forms of corruption in helping the general interests of all Nigerians.

7. Create social institutions and structures for the intentional exposure of the general population to the norms and values of democracy for a successful, united, peaceful, disciplined, and progressive society.

8. Inform all citizens of Nigeria of their rights, duties, responsibilities, and privileges as citizens of Nigeria.

9. Shout aloud the need to shun all forms of corruption which include but are not limited to; electoral malpractices, census malpractices, religious bigotry, dishonesty, ethnic parochialism, and financial crimes.